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What We're Looking For:

  • Literary fiction

  • Creative non-fiction (CNF), essays, memoir

  • Flash fiction/microfiction

  • Novels/novellas/long-form writing (published in chapters)

  • Poetry

  • Humor/satire

  • Screenplays

  • Interviews

If you have something that is just killer that falls outside of these genres, send it over! Just make sure you read the submission guidelines below first.

Blog Submission Guidelines:

  •  Blog submissions are always free.

  • While we attempt to get through submissions within 30 days, that is not a guarantee. Day jobs and life stuff happen. As such, please do not reach out to us for a follow-up on a decision unless it has been 60 days since your submission. 

    • We have also put an auto-response email on our general inbox. If you submit to us and receive the auto-response, that means we have received your submission. If you received that but have not received any other communication, that means we haven't gotten to your submission yet. We do not accept or reject work without contacting the author with a decision unless you are being an unreasonable asshole to us. In that case, we reserve the right to delete your submission and block your email.​

  •  There is no word limit on submissions. We do accept novella/novel-length work, which we publish online in our blog and typically in chapters for the time being (print publication is forthcoming and will have separate submission guidelines when the time comes.)

    • Longer works take longer to read through and decision, and are processed simultaneously with shorter pieces that appear in our blog issues. As a result, if your submission is 10k words or more, please do not reach out to us for follow-up on a decision unless it has been 90 days since your submission.

    • Please see second bullet above re: auto-response emails for your reference. 

  •  We accept simultaneous submissions. If your submission is accepted elsewhere, please send us an email ASAP.

  • The limit to the number of pieces you can submit to us at one time is 10.

    • Each submission is treated as an individual sub with the same up-to 60 day timeline outlined in the second bullet above.

    • If you have a packet of poems, please do not exceed 10 poems per submission. 

    • If you have 10 pieces over 10k words, they will be subject to the same up-to 90 day timeline (each) outlined in the third bullet above.

  • You may resubmit to us as often as you like after publication or rejection; there is no time limit.

  •  All submissions must be:

    • 100% original. We do not accept fan fiction, AI-generated pieces, plagiarized work, or anything that breaches copyright law.

    • Previously unpublished. We will consider reprinting previously published work if you have written proof that the copyright belongs to you. If this is the case, please make us aware of that in your submission email.

    • Submitted by the author. 

  •  The copyright for your work belongs to you, period. You may reprint your RF-published work as you like.

  •  We will not tolerate any harmful or hateful speech, ever.

    • This applies to both the content of your submitted work and your communication with the RF staff.

  • Please do not send us PDFs. They get all weird layout-wise and cause problems. Anything other than a PDF, please.

  • If at any time during the publication process (or after, when work is archived), we find that one of these rules has been broken, we reserve the right to rescind publication offers and remove work from our blog and/or archive at any time.

How it Works:

  • Copy and paste the form below into an email.

  • Send it off to

  • If your work is accepted, we will publish it in an upcoming issue of our blog, promote it on our social media (tagged if you like), and put your name on our blog’s contributor list. 

  • We will not harvest, sell, or use your contact information for anything other than the discussion/promotion of your piece. No sketchy stuff. We have a strict no-sketch rule around here

  • Submission form:

The name you'd like us to call you:
The name you'd like to be published under (if different from above):
Your social media h
andles (optional, only needed for promoting your piece):

   X (Twitter):


The name of your piece:
The genre of your piece:
The word count of your piece:
A blurb describing your piece and/or an author blurb (optional):
Is this piece completely original and submitted by the author?:
Has this piece previously been published?:
Anything else you'd like us to know?:

2024 Roi Fainéant Press: The Pressiest Press to have Ever Pressed

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