on television to capture you
they show you a countdown
to christmas a countdown
to elections all pretty much
interchangeable like some
demented form of survival
of the fittest bottled-up
instant-gratification can
make in 3 easy payments
to attempt to achieve that
unreachable holy happiness
that high school sweetheart
or god just couldn’t get while
most just try to top it all off
with either a bottle of bourbon
or bottle of opiates or if so
choose to be one of those
brutish one-upping competitive
extroverted idiots at health club
where can relive your whole half
witted childhood all over again
with real-life reflections in the
he-man mythological mirror as
some sort of bully or jock or stud
slut bending over for the father
next door but best of all got
that countdown to elections
that countdown to christmas
can conveniently collapse
& store all safe & secure
right below your bed
where that monster
once lived in your head